Rue de la Hardt Housing - Rixheim
- Construction of a residential housing project in Rixheim, Rue de la Hardt

As part of the OAP, which requalifies this site and its surroundings from agricultural and activity plots to residential-use plots, the construction project for a social housing complex (70% of which will be affordable homeownership) complements an existing dynamic already initiated by other developers in the area.
In addition to meeting a significant current demand, the project will be certified NF Habitat HQE, a label that guarantees quality living conditions for future occupants and represents a substantial design challenge.
Before submitting the building permit application, the program was presented to local officials and the community during a public meeting, which helped reassure neighboring residents as well as potential future occupants.
With its shape and design, consisting of two buildings connected by a central block and walkways, the development aims to achieve a performance level exceeding RE 2020, with the goal of meeting RE 2025 standards.